Modern Staircase Treads

If you are someone who is looking to decorate your home with a more modern look, you may want to think about changing your staircase to have modern staircase treads.

These will give a great new look to your staircase and will give your entire home a new feel. You may not even know what staircase treads even are. You are not alone. Staircase treads are the portion of the staircase that you step on. They are the part you put your foot on as you step up and the part you see as you look down while walking up. The other part of the staircase you see is the riser. The risers are the part of the staircase that is vertical and is found in between two treads. The risers work to make the staircase go up. This should give you an idea of what treads and risers are and if you want to get new modern staircase treads installed in your home. You can also have new risers installed if you would like.

Cost of Modern Staircase Treads

The cost of modern staircase treads will dependent on the number and type of stairs you have. If you have stairs that change in shape (like those found in a spiral staircase), you may find the installation costs of getting new modern staircase treads can be very high. This is because the installers have to cut each individual tread to fit the step. This can be very tedious, so the price can be very high. Also, you will need to think about the number of stairs you have. Many times, the professionals that install modern staircase treads will charge by the step. This means the more steps you have, the higher the bill the installers will give you. Also, there are different types of modern staircase treads, each of which will have a price.

Installing Modern Staircase Treads

After you have purchased your modern staircase treads, you will have to pay to have them installed (or do it yourself). It is recommended you have a professional install the modern staircase treads, unless you have some experience doing the job yourself. While it isn’t overly complicated, you do not want to start the job, only later to realize you do not have the necessary knowledge to finish. This can be disappointing, since you will have to pay someone to fix any problems you caused and to finish installing the modern staircase treads.

If you do decide to install them yourself, you will need to pull up the old treads. You will then have to clean the sub-treads and prepare them for the new treads. You will have to cut the new treads to perfectly fit the step, while allowing for some to hang over the riser. After this, you will have to get the new tread attached to the sub-tread. To do this, you will need to nail the tread to the sub-tread and put adhesive between the two.  If you use finishing nails, you shouldn’t see any holes.