How to Change Staircase Treads

If you are someone who has more than one floor in your home and are interested in getting a new look for your staircase, you may be asking how to change staircase treads. This is a common question and one that many people ask with staircases.

If you are looking to change your staircase treads yourself, you will probably need to do some research to see if you are capable of doing this project yourself. There is nothing worse that starting a job like this and not being able to finish. Add to that, you will have to call someone else in to finish and they will probably charge more to fix any problems you have caused. In the end, asking how to change staircase treads may give you an idea that you should have someone else install them for you. It is not usually a really simple job, so considering getting professional help may be smart.

How to Change Staircase Treads Guide

If you are determined to change them yourself, you should do lots of research on how to change staircase threads. This way, you will be less likely to run into problems during the installation process. The internet is a great place to find information about how to change staircase treads. Keep in mind, changing staircase treads may also require that you change your staircase risers. Simply put, staircase treads are the portion of your staircase that you step on. They are the top of the steps. The risers are the vertical portions of the staircase that are found in between the treads. If you are thinking about changing your staircase treads, it is likely you will also have to change your risers. For this reason, you should also consider the question of how to change staircase risers, in addition to how to change staircase treads.

Steps for How to Change Staircase Treads

You will first have to look for the type of treads and risers you have, as well as the type of risers and treads you currently have. If you currently have carpeted steps, it is likely what is found underneath is simply sub-treads. These may have to be cut down, so there is no overhang over the riser, if you decide you want to put a wood tread over the sub-tread. This means you will need to be able to use a saw that is capable of making a cut. The saw should have a guide light that will allow you to cut in a straight line.

After you have cut the overhand, you will need to clean the sub-treads so that installation of the new treads will be flat on the sub-treads and can be securely attached with adhesive. If the sub-tread isn’t clean, there is a good chance the adhesive will not work properly and the tread may not stay attached to the sub-tread. In the end, you should always take care to do the best job you can. If you don’t know how to change staircase treads after doing research, hire a professional to do it for you!